This web app was initially made using ESRI's ArcGIS Story Maps feature, which is kind of like a slideshow/powerpoint/website maker for geography and mapping projects.
Remade with Typescript, React, Next.js, Mapbox (react GL wrapper), and chartjs. Data manipulated using BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and the Google Maps python wrapper. Original graphics made using ggplot2 in R.
In the making of these maps and data, I had to clean and assemble a lot of data. I first discovered that the cleaned dataset I found was insufficient, but they did provide a raw dataset containing information of the scraped players. I used primarily Pandas to clean the dataset and also get the birth locations of the players from their Wikipedia pages using the Beautiful Soup library. The script I used was not catch-all and thus had issues with names from countries like the Netherlands, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia/Qatar, and I had to manually get their birthplaces. There were around 100 of these instances. I then passed the new column of birth places into the Google Maps Geocoding API to get their latitude and longitude to be able to map.
The primary shapefiles I used were taken from the ArcGIS World Countries shapefile. There were some caveats and feature manipulation that I needed to do, however, as FIFA separates the constituent countries of the United Kingdom into their own national team. I had to merge the GADM shapefile of the United Kingdom.
Some interesting issues that I ran into were that while some points fit on the basemap, these same points would appear off the shapefile. I had to use the snap feature to get the majority of them, and then manually move the remnants. Also, players from the same city stack together. I have kept it this way, but this could reduce some visual clarity (but you can still click on them and browse through).